Polishing up A Title

Regardless of who I eventually choose to go with, I need to have a title ready to go. I have been writing since I was a teenager. Now here I am at the tender age of… well let’s just say I’m not a teenager anymore and I am ready to actually see my stuff in print. I have run into a lot of obstacles trying to get the print, the main one being financial. It was much more important to support my growing family than it was to realize my dream. I knew some it would come and now it is here.

While I had the added benefit (with 7 children) of growing my own fan base, I did not have the support I needed in all areas. Time have changed. Now, one of the books that was supposed to be part of a series, I have modified to be a self sufficient project. The first book that I am putting up for publication is C.A.R.L. : CIA Agent In Real Life. I am excited about beginning this journey. I’ll let you know when I sign a contract.

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