Content Review Complete

We are rocking and rolling now!

I just got off of my first scheduled call with my content editor. I was happy to know that he really liked my writing. As far as gaps were concerned, he advised I go through the manuscript and add more description. Completely understandable. You know how authors get. Its in your head and you forget to put it down on the page so that everyone else can experience the same thing. After all it must make perfect and logical sense to the reader by now, right? Wrong!

For the most part the content editor said I had “really good writing chops.” 😀 Outstanding as far as comments go. He also had some suggestions for font choices for the computer that I have talking at certain points throughout the book. Nice creative touches. He also suggested that I add an epilogue and tie this book into a sequel! I originally thought of this book as a standalone, but I always have another story in me. The ball is back in my court now. Time for me to go through the manuscript again. I feel that I will be doing a lot of this going through the manuscript again. Its going to make it really easy for me to miss stuff because I know what it is supposed to say. But it is also an opportunity to make real corrections. I also have my brother (a recent author himself–I’ll have to do a separate blog post for his book) doing read throughs for me. Once I am done and have a final consultation with the content editor its off to proof reading.

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