Welcome to my website!

Welcome to the W. Ronald Rolle website. Please pardon the mess as I endeavor to get things set up. There is a lot of work to do and not a whole lot of time to do it in. I just happen to be one of those people with a normal Monday through Friday “9-5” job. Writing is a side gig for me. I do it a lot, and I would like think that I do it well, but that is for you, the reader, to decide. 🙂

As I get material ready, the plan is that I will be posting some things for my readers to review and comment on. Occasionally I may throw up some material that I want to try out just to get your opinion on it. If you have any suggestions on which way you think I should go with any of my writing projects, I am willing to consider them. As I am heading for publication, I will also be posting about that journey

Once again thanks for stopping by and please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can best serve you with my writing.

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