Meeting with the Digital Director

I had a meeting with the Digital Director today. I think a lot of his job, with you best interest in mind as well, is to upsell services. We talked about such things as then E-book, ways to get marketing out about your book, author interviews, books tours, Websites and other other digital presence.

Rule #1: Know what is included in your package. The guy who I talked to was open to questions about my current contract and answered them all honestly. While his job was to upsell, he did not put any pressure on me to buy any extra services, but simply advised as to what they were and how they could help me. One of the main tools was the author website. It costs a few duckets to have them build and manage a website for you. Fortunately for me, that is one of the things that I can do myself. In an earlier life I use to build websites for folks. That was before the days of content management systems and you had do really know HTML and CSS. Now content management systems like WordPress (which this site is built with) take a lot of the hassle out of that for you. I would recommend getting some help if you have never done it before, but if you are really good at following directions you might be able to save yourself a buck or two. If you happen upon this thread and you have some questions, I am more than willing to provide answers.

I was also advised by the digital director about how to increase my revenues and ways that I can make 100% profit if I choose to manage certain things in sales myself. Just bear in mind that some things are worth paying a small percentage in services so that you don’t have the headache. So listen carefully to the deals they have to offer and pick up on the things that you need. A good company is really just trying to help you in your journey. Atmosphere Press is one of those good companies. Check them out at

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